Angela I. Schutz is the Founder and Managing Director of Driven to Succeed Consulting, LLC – a career coaching and professional development company. Angela has helped hundreds land new, meaningful jobs even during the most difficult times like the pandemic, dispelling the myth that there are no jobs out there! She loves to help the unemployed go from hopelessness to happily employed in the shortest time possible.
She has been teaching Human Resources Management at a local college for the past 11 years. Angela has led a woman’s group called Dream Dare Dance, moving women from having no dreams, to creating new dreams for themselves, daring themselves to move forward and celebrate their victories with the entire group!Angela’s real passion is for writing! In 2012 she published her first book: Career Questions? Ask Angela – A Job-seekers Guide to finding the Perfect Job. Since 2012, she has been a co-author of 8 community books on the topic of gratitude, co-author of an anthology: A Woman’s Journey – stories of Substance, Survival and Success. In 2021 Angela wrote an online Dating book: A Boomer Chick’s Guide to Online Dating – You are Never Too Old to Look and Love. Currently she is working on co-authoring
The Book on Joy and a book on clutter clearing.
In 2020, she was inducted in Who’s Who in America, and in 2021 she was inducted in Who’s Who in Professional Women. Angela was humbled and honored by these awards.
On a personal note, Angela is a lover of creating gatherings of friends for dinner parties, card parties, movie nights and games nights. Being with friends, both new and long time is the sustenance of life! She is a proud mother and grandmother. She resides in Connecticut.
To learn more about Angela and her endeavors click here or
watch her recent interview with Star Jones and speech at the Lady Politico Power Global Leadership Conference!